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Friday, March 28, 2014

Small Musical Human

During Thursday's music class I got a little bit embarrassed. Noah's the youngest in the class, so he doesn't always understand everything like the bigger kids do yet. He comprehends more than I realize, but he's still just a baby of course. Anyway, I got embarrassed because he threw a huge tantrum when it was time to put the drums away. We are talking the works, tears, screaming, limp body, acting like the teacher had killed his pet. It was intense, but we got through it!

This got me thinking though, sure, he's younger than the other toddlers, but no one else seemed quite as passionate about drum time being over as my little guy. I'm glad we've found an outlet for him in this class, and I am seriously starting to think he's already found one of his loves. He loves to dance every day, and if he doesn't like a song that pops up on Pandora, he certainly lets me know by either turning the volume down or yelling at the speakers.

How can I hone this at such an early age? As of right now we let him play with percussive instruments and Dada's guitars, and I'm going to continue looking for fun music classes to attend. Things could still change, but it's lots of fun to speculate at what kind of boy and man he might become. The future is bright and musical for this one!

Have a fun weekend everyone! Small Human and I recommend rocking out in your pajamas one morning, at least. xoxo

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