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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sippy Cup Win

Alright, I have to confess that I misjudged Small Human. I thought that the transition from using a bottle to using a sippy cup would be a long and arduous journey, but it was more like a quick jaunt. We use the free flowing spout sippies for his water, and the valve spouts for his milk. This is just common sense for us because of our wall to wall carpeting. Spilled milk + carpet = bad.

I am pretty certain that our success with the transition isn't because our son is an advanced genius, like some moms like to think of their progeny, but because of our Pura Kiki bottles. Seriously, Noah's been using these stainless steel bottles ever since I stopped breast feeding at 6 months, so he's gotten used to them. What's great about them is that you can switch out the nipple for a sippy spout, and presto change-o!

Small Human is starting to dislike his water sippy cups altogether now, and would rather drink from a glass like Momie and Dada. It's messy, but worth it and kind of impressive to behold. Aack! My baby is growing up too fast!

Brendan and I are still actively trying to stay away from using plastic when it comes to Noah's eating and drinking, but it's so hard when everything made for babies is plastic, which is a shame. The best we can do is make sure he drinks mostly from glass, stainless steel, and silicone, but he really loves his plastic snack catcher, which drives me crazy. Oh well, I guess you win some and you lose some.

Here's a link to a great video and website on how you can help keep your child's environment safer.

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