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Monday, January 27, 2014

House Hunting Wilsons

I know that most of the time people shouldn't complain, but because many of us are regular, sometimes emotionally immature human beings, it's in our nature to even if things are not so bad.

We are currently the perfect example of this. I am totally stressed out because we have been house hunting for almost a whole year now, and we still haven't found anything. We put an offer on a house last March and lost to a lower bid with a cash offer.

That whole experience was heart-wrenching because it was our first time, so we really imagined ourselves living there and raising Small Human there. Plus we had paid for a sewer scope and pre-inspection, which made it feel like we got mugged, walking away with $500 less in our pockets and yet no house. 

Now we are doing it again. We actually found a house in our current neighborhood and in our price range, which is virtually unheard of. I'm trying to tell myself that there is no way in hell we are going to get it in this market. I feel almost like I'm playing hard to get with this house in my head. "I like you, let's get serious, but no big deal if you're not that into me, I didn't like you that much anyway."

It's ridiculous, it's like this imaginary psychological game. Trying to buy a house can make you clinically insane. 

You just can't help but visualize it though, and that's not a bad thing since you need to be able to see yourselves living there or you wouldn't be interested in the first place. The house would need quite a bit of work to make it our dream house, but it's perfectly livable. I'll still be sad if we don't get it, but I will probably barf and be really excited if we do get it!

Okay universe, I'm just putting it out there that Noah, Brendan and I would like the right house for our family. Something we can grow into and really call our home. Also, something that does not require a major bidding war would be great. Gah.

Noah's also unimpressed by this seller's market

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear! I’m sure that you'll find a great house soon. Let’s put it this way, finding a home is pretty much the same as falling in love. It usually isn’t exactly the person that you're hoping for, but when you see the house you’ll know for sure that that is the home for you. Good luck on house hunting! :D

    Marjorie McKay @ Chestermere Real Estate
