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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Happy Blog-iversary!

It's been a whole year since I started my Captain's Log Mommy Blog, if you can believe it. I wanted to thank you all for reading and supporting and keeping me company on my journey as a mommy. It really means a lot to me to get messages of encouragement from you, or letting me know that I have helped you in any way, whether it be because of a product recommendation or just making you feel like you're a normal parent!

I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the mommy blogger world. I find it cathartic and fun, so thank you for going on this adventure with me. To thank you, I will be having a giveaway! It will be a surprise package of awesome things that Noah loves, and really, who doesn't love a surprise? I promise it will be good. heehee And yes, please feel free to enter even if you are my friend. Giveaways are fun, no matter what!

The winner will be announced the day after Labour Day, to allow people to enter even though they may be on vacation or offline. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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