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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Unenchanted Evening

Seattle is experiencing a heat wave and no one is happy about it. I would be happy about it if there were no little ones to consider, and in this case I am including my two fur babies as well. Rabbits do not do well in the heat. Luckily, it usually cools down quite a bit overnight, which is a relief.

Anyway, because of the aforementioned heat wave we purchased a medium sized Vornado fan to help circulate the air, and some water toys for Noah to frolic in the cool bathtub with. For some reason, these new items arrived in positively enormous Amazon boxes that I wanted to get out of our small apartment ASAP.

Throwing out the recycling and checking the mail is one of my Small Human's favourite things to do, so off we went into the hot and still very bright and sunny evening. As I was struggling with the huge boxes, Noah thought it would be fun to bring his ball and throw it down the hill and into the street, so I had to drop everything to prevent him from getting killed retrieving his ball several times.

In my rush to get rid of the boxes and keep an eye on my baby son, I ended up throwing my house keys into the recycling dumpster. Silent horror is all I can think of to describe what I felt. I could just see my keys, hanging precariously on someone else's Amazon box but of course when I tried to reach for them they fell further into the extremely full dumpster. I could've climbed in, but what about Noah? I tempted him to stay next to me with a milk jug and his ball while I dumpster dove, but what toddler wants to stay next to mommy when they are free to go wherever they please? Certainly not mine.

I hoped and prayed that my sweet, Tibetan Monk neighbour was home and he was! I knocked on his door and asked if he would mind watching Noah while I climbed into the recycling dumpster, and he just belly laughed at me and obliged! I really needed that, what a wonderful man. The next step was to scale the rock wall of our driveway while holding the lid open, propping myself up on the edge of the dumpster, in my pink summer dress, and jumped in.

So now I have my keys, my baby didn't get hit by a car, and my home is box-free. The moral of this story is, be nice to your neighbours, and don't throw things in the dumpster when you're distracted, recycling or other (Blech!), also thank goodness for pizza delivery.

The end.

Whaddya mean I can't throw my hat off the balcony? Boooring.

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