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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Small Human is 10 Months Old!

My baby man is ten months old today. It happened way too fast and he is growing like a weed (as he should). It has been the most taxing and glorious ten months of my life. Every day, I get to be the mommy to this hilarious baby human who is constantly learning and growing. I feel more alive than I ever have, which is weird, because it's attributed to the fact that I am more aware of our mortality now. Anyway, no morbid talk on beautiful Saturdays! You only get 940 Saturdays with your child from birth til college, so enjoy life, I say! (Thanks for that tidbit, Pinterest!)

Noah at 10 Months:

Favourite Food: Spinach, Apple & Rutabaga baby food, Beecher's cheese

Baby Tricks: walking, waving to people and occasionally saying "hi", saying "mama" and "dada" and "Tid"

Sleep: 11 hours a night on average, praise the lord

Favourite Activities: going for walks outside, picking up leaves and trying to eat them, splashing in the bath

What makes him laugh: rabbits, dogs, birds, zerberts and funny faces from momie & dada

Favourite toys: his learning walker, Crinkle Bear

Diaper size: 4

Clothing size: 9-12 month clothes, but 12 month socks and shoes

Dislikes: having his face wiped off, being told he can't do something

Naughty things: broke dada's Xbox. Luckily dada was able to fix it

Loves: to be snuggled by his mommy and daddy, especially when he's sleepy :)

"If I eat the evidence of being 10 months old, I stay 9 months, right?"

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